Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hillary Does Have Foreign Policy Experience -- in INDIA!!!

In the wake of Hillary Clinton's claims of foreign policy expertise and the insinuation that she is prepared to take "3 AM calls", I would like to support Sen. Clinton's claim that she does have real foreign policy experience which voters would do well to consider.

While Greg Craig, a former director of the State Department's Policy Planning Office rightly points out the exaggerations of Sen Clinton in a March 11 piece at
Real Clear Politics, I am somewhat surprised that he did not take the opportunity to mention Sen. Clinton's close ties to India and the wealthy Indian Offshore Outsourcing business elites who have profited at the expense of American workers and American society -- the groups which Sen. Clinton claims she champions.

Of course, I have posted at considerable length on this subject in the past but I believe that Sen Clinton's close ties to Indian business elites should be mentioned. Sen. Clinton does indeed have foreign policy experience -- helping wealthy foreign business interests control American domestic policy in the areas of labor, trade and economics.

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